Monday, August 25, 2008

Homer Simpson

The next stop after Seward was Homer. We stayed on the beach again in Homer Spit on Cook's Inlet.

One of our day trips was to Kenai Peninsula, where we watched the Alaskan residents engage in subsistence netting (combat netting). The netters wear waders and stand in 30 degree water up to their chest and close enough to each other to touch. They hold a 5' diameter net on the end of a 15' – 20' pole and wait for the fish to swim into the net. There are so many salmon, it seems to work.

Each head of the household gets to keep 25 salmon and each other member of the house gets 10. In this instance, it pays to have a big family.

We saw one guy lying in the bed of his pickup with his feet in the air and his head on the ground. When we asked what he was doing, he said, "I got water in my waders and I am getting it out."

One night, we built a huge bonfire. Another day, we visited Homer Brewing and tasted some good amber.

We also got to see 3 volcanoes, part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, about 30 miles away. Augustine volcano was active and you could see smoke around the brim.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you sure you took those pictures? They look like postcards to me! Ha Ha! What a beautiful place.